Interested in helping in the office or classroom of your child's school on a regular basis? Are you accompanying or chaperoning a group of students on a field trip, weekend camp outing, helping with PTO events, or chaperoning at a dance? To be eligible to volunteer on any of the CISD campuses, you will need to have a completed background check on file for academic year 2022-2023. To ensure your Background Check clears in time, please fill out the form at least a week before your volunteer date. 



Message from CISD: CISD is using an application process for all volunteers in the District. In order to upgrade the security of your personal information, you will be required to fill out an application (setting up a secure user name and password) and background form.  This user name and password will be used again next year.  Volunteers are a valuable part of our educational team and we appreciate all you do!


CISD Background Check


  1. Click the CISD Background Check link above
  2. Click Volunteer Background Check Form
  3. Follow the “New User? Click here to register" prompts if you aren't already a user.
  4. Select Online Applications - Add New Application
  5. Under “What type of position are you applying for?,” Click on “Volunteer.”
  6. Click on each tab on the left side of the page and submit the information requested.  You must click on each tab to complete the process. Please note you can select multiple campuses for which you would like to volunteer.
  7. Click “Submit” to submit your application.
  8. Be sure to complete the application/background check a week in advance before you volunteer.



Frequently Asked Questions


I filled out a Background Check last school year.  Should I fill out a new one?

  • Yes.  A Criminal History Background Check must be completed EACH school year for all volunteers.


When should I submit my Background Check Form?

  • Please make sure you have completed the form a week in advance before you volunteer.


I have learners at multiple schools.  Do I need to fill one out for each school?

  • Only ONE form is needed per volunteer each year, even if volunteering for multiple campuses or students.


I've filled out Background Check Forms with the district before.  Am I still a new user?

  • During the 2020-2021 school year, CISD started using a new application and background check process for all volunteers in the District using the same software used for employee background checks.  If you did not volunteer last year, you are a new user in this system and MUST set up a new account. If you are already in the system, you don't have to set up a new account, but you still need to fill out a new background check form.